Summer Study Abroad Orientation

Over the course of the semester, NIU has been conducting a series of orientation sessions  for students who will participate in our one month summer English study abroad program at Troy University. The most recent one was held yesterday. Topics covered included:

  • Avoiding and coping with signs of culture shock
  • Making the most of one's experience
  • Safety and general precautions while abroad
  • Filling out the ESTA

With only a few weeks left until their departure, students are eager to pack their bags and go.

Fall | Recent Visit to Partner Schools in USA

NIU students studying abroad

NIU students studying abroad

Many thanks to our partner schools who hosted NIU staff during a recent visit to the USA. Members of the Dept. of International Tourism and International Center visited Butte College, Arkansas Tech University and Troy University to discuss further collaboration and study abroad options at NIU for American students.

Introducing NIU at Arkansas Tech

Introducing NIU at Arkansas Tech

The visit also provided a great opportunity to check-in with NIU students who are studying abroad. As could be expected, NIU students are having the time of their lives and will come back with much improved English and a range of new skills.  The students recently took part in international culture festivities, organizing a Japan Night event which included Japanese food and opportunities to experience Japanese culture first-hand.