International Trip to Nagasaki


We went with other international students to Nagasaki! First we went to a Chinese temple and museum.

I managed to sketch some stuff from the museum and got baffled by how much anime stuff there was in the museum souvenir shop.

Then we went to Dejima – an island where foreigners could come and trade with Japan during the sakoku period. I guess that was not the most exciting part for me because… yeah it looked like old European houses. I managed to find one Polish person being mentioned because of course I did (we are truly the nation of getting where no one invited us).

It was similar with the Glover garden and the Catholic Church. But! I realized that the part that was interesting for me at the beginning with Chinese architecture and all, must have been boring and mundane for majority of the trip (like 80% Chinese) so I decided to stop being a whiny baby.

Overall I saw some beautiful views and bought a world peace pin to bring me comfort in those harsh times