July 28, 2015 | Welcome Arkansas Tech University

We were delighted to welcome to our campus Mr. Yasu Onodera from Arkansas Tech University on July 28, 2015. Mr. Onodera and NIU Global Tourism Students

NIU and Arkansas Tech became exchange partners last year and completed final preparations for our initial exchange of students to commence in a mere two weeks. NIU students will study in Arkansas for one semester this fall. NIU is also eagerly awaiting students from Arkansas to study with us in the near future;

Mr. Onodera was gracious enough to conduct a pre-departure orientation with the five NIU students who will go on exchange. Staff from both universities also discussed ways to further deepen cooperation between both universities.

July 2015 | GT Students Heading for Study Abroad

2nd year GT students are eagerly awaiting their study abroad to the USA, UK, and Philippines for one semester.

What better way to wish our students luck than with a pizza party!

After returning from their semester abroad, students will begin taking tourism classes in English at NIU, such as hotel management and tourism marketing.

First year GT students are also getting ready for their 1 month English study abroad in the Philippines at St. Dominic College of Asia. While there, students will take a mix of English classes and have a chance to integrate with classes in the Hospitality program. In their free time, students will have a chance to relax at the swimming pool of their guest house. Weekends will include field trips to locations around the Philippines to experience the history and culture of the country.

23 May 2015 | Reach for the Stars - Go Global | Gina Whittle

Gina Whittle joined us from the Gina & Partners  to present at the 2015 Global Leadership Forum.

Gina is the Managing Director (President) of Gina & Partners. The title of Gina's speech was “Reach For the Stars.”

She began by asking students to imagine themselves in 5 years. "In my future, I want to…" students made sentences.

She talked about her upbringing and her background. She gave key points about her country.

  • Abundant nature

  • English speaking

  • Multi-cultural

  • Clean environment

  • Friendly people

A great role model for GT students

She continued her background story. She did modeling in Aukland. She showed us some of her photos and previous experiences in Japan.

A key point of her talk: one language is not enough. She came to Japan 3 times, once for a year, the second time for a year, and 16 years in the last visit. She described her experiences as a language teacher in Japan moving from a big city to a small town.

She explained her inspiration to become a company owner - she read “Rich Dad/Poor Dad.” She has started two companies - "New Zealand Life Tours" and "Gina & Partners” 

She described the declining travel industry and the increase in online self-managed travel planning trends. She also described the experience of forming her own business. 

She talked about setting a goal and making a flexible plan to achieve that goal. She used a combination of English and Japanese to encourage the students.

She covered and old Chinese saying:

  • I hear and I forget

  • I see and I remember

  • I do and I understand

Then she covered some main things to do to increase your Global Abilities

  • Do something practical - be active in your efforts.

  • Challenge yourself - go out of your comfort zone.

  • Communication skills - the importance of the skills.

  • Influence - If you are a good communicator, you influence people. However, without that your idea will wither

  • Use technology - let it help simplify your life.

  • Invest in yourself - get skills and education.

  • Balance yourself

  • Eat healthy

She recommends the book “Miracle Morning” for guidance on how to start your day. Spend the first hour of the morning on you.

The forum concluded with an engaging Q & A, with students discussing the points that stood out to them most and asking follow up questions for Gina.