Visiting Arashiyama

So recently I went to Kyoto and did a large amount of sightseeing so I will probably make multiple posts over the next few days about my different experiences there for the highlights of my visit.

When we first arrived we took a taxi to our guest house and actually stepped in the door past 1am. The guest house was quite nice and we were able to sleep in a traditional Japanese style lodging with Tatami mat flooring to sleep in.

The highlight of our first day was visiting Arashiyama, famous for its gorgeous bamboo. We took the subway and a bus to get there and arrived right at the overlook to the famous bridge located in the area

After taking in the overlook we journeyed past many tourist shops and food stores that dotted the path to the infamous bamboo trail. Looking around there were so many tourists with same destination. Everyone bustling throughout the area trying to get the most out of their visit to Japan.

We eventually arrived at the trail and the bamboo was incredible, it was huge and sprouted high into the air from both sides of the path

The gorgeous scenery was amazing to behold as it was almost unreal as you see these giant stalks of bamboo dwarfing everything around them. Seeing Arashiyama is what I would consider a must do if you’re in the Kyoto area, even though there were other things I enjoyed more. However, I’ll be writing about those in my next few blog posts!

Also on a side note when I got back from Kyoto someone had tried to steal my bike and gotten the wire lock around the tire crazy tangled up with the bike. I managed to unlock it but after that I had to get a friend to help me untangle it completely.

Always keep an eye on your bike while you’re in Japan